The foundation stone for the historical path of the Organisation was laid in September 1926 when the Communist Youth of Cyprus was created, as the fusion of the Limassol Labour Youth, the Student Youth and the Women’s Youth. The creation of both the KKK (Communist Party of Cyprus) and the KNK (Communist Youth of Cyprus) takes place as the culmination of the need for political leadership of the working class in Cyprus. After all, the revolutionary messages of the October Revolution had already reached Cyprus, influencing primarily the dockers in Limassol, who were the first recipients of communist theory.
The first demands of the KKK were a ban on work for under 14-year-olds, six-hour work for 14-18-year-olds, and universal compulsory education without fees for the poor.
However, in 1931, during the October Revolution, the Communist Party of Cyprus and the Communist Party of Cyprus were outlawed by the British colonialists, because in a dictatorial regime which was imposed, the right of expression and the right to assemble and organise, especially of young people in guilds, were strictly forbidden.

Subsequently, in 1944, the Akali Youth Organization was founded, which would later be renamed the Anorthotic (Progressive) Youth Organization (AON), which continued to pave the way for the KNK. More specifically, in 1945 the first AON congress was held, during which it was decided that the aim was to mobilize against fascism, to fight for peace, freedom of Cyprus and social progress and socialism.

However, in 1955, AKEL and the organisations of the People’s Movement more broadly were outlawed, following their strong anti-colonial activity. In particular, 135 people from the leadership of the AON, the Party and the other People’s Organisations were arrested and thrown into the concentration camps for political prisoners.
Nevertheless, AON continues to be active and pioneering in conditions of illegality. In this context, the need arises for a legal, mass, progressive youth organisation to fight against chauvinism and imperialism.

Therefore, on April 12, 1959, the Founding Congress of EDON took place, where the main objectives were set: the struggle against imperialism, the struggle for the completion of the independence of Cyprus, the education of the new generation with the ideals of Democracy, Internationalist Solidarity, Social Progress, Social Justice and Socialism, the solution of youth problems and the creation of healthy employment conditions with educational, cultural, sporting and tourist activities.
From the proclamation of the Republic of Cyprus until the twin crimes of 1974, EDON has been at the forefront of the struggle to defend and complete the independence of Cyprus. However, the inter-communal conflicts of 1963, the subversive and treasonous activities of the extreme right in both communities and the continuous imperialist plots against Cyprus have removed the prospect of a complete independence. On the altar of freedom, many EDON members are sacrificing their lives, such as Michalakis Kousououlidis, member of the Central Council, Panagiotis Z. Giorgos Eikosaris, Christakis Ftohopoulos and Giorgos Prodromou.
Subsequently, in 1974, during the twin NATO crimes against Cyprus, the fascist coup (15 July) and the Turkish invasion (20 July), EDON members resisted fascism, defending democracy, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus. The heroic members of EDON – Kestas, Papalazarou brothers, Evagorou, Kleanthous, Matthaiou, Misiaouli, Charalambous, Papathanasiou, Sokratous, Stylianou, Andreou and dozens of others water the tree of freedom.

To this day, EDON, faithful to its ideals and always honoring its heroes and their sacrifice, remains at the forefront of the anti-occupation struggle and fights for the liberation and reunification of our land, for freedom from occupation, colonization and foreign dependencies and clearly and strongly supports the Bi-zonal – Bicommunal Federation Solution.

At the same time, and given its multifaceted action, EDON plays a leading role in the International Movement. Important milestones in the undeniable contribution of the EDON to the International Movement are the election of the EDON to the Presidency of the WHDO in 2011, as well as the hosting of the 20ης assembly of the WHDO by the EDON in 2019.
Furthermore, EDON puts forward demands on all issues concerning all aspects of contemporary reality. From the earliest stages of human life, it strives to educate children in the ideals of peace, democracy and solidarity.
It also fights for unrestricted access to public and free education and the cultivation of critical thinking and humanistic values and ideals. In 1991, the creation of the EDON Students’ Section took place. Also in 1994, the Pancyprian Coordinating Committee of Students and the Provincial Coordinating Committees were established.
Persistent and painful struggles have been and continue to be fought in the field of higher education. The Progressive Movement of Students since 1974 under the umbrella of AKEL, and since 1992 as a section of EDON, has been fighting unceasingly for the safeguarding of public and free higher education and the democratisation of the student movement.
Finally, EDON fights for labour rights, the housing issue and all the problems that concern the contemporary reality of Young Workers. In particular, in 2010 the Young Workers’ Section was created.

For 80 years, AON-EDON has played a leading role not only with its speech, but mainly with its struggles, its actions and its demands. In the streets, in schools, in the auditoriums, in the daily arena of life. Year after year it grows stronger, grows bigger and creates the future. It can create the future because it is based on a solid and pure foundation, because it is guided by the most noble visions born of the human mind, but also because it breathes and lives through the thousands of tireless hearts of the youth of this land, who consciously choose, every day, to walk the path of life on the right side of it.